Gobbling Up Colorful Tales! - Thanksgiving Themed Reading Bulletin Board Idea

We found this fabulous Thanksgiving and reading themed bulletin board over at Apples to Applique and figured, whether it comes a little late or not, we should share it because it's definitely a design to put in the inspiration folder for next year! Not only will it provide a colorful addition to your seasonal decorations, it's a great way to motivate your kiddos to read!
Colorful Tales
Starting with a feather-less turkey cutout, each time her students read a book the last two weeks of October/first two weeks of November, they got to write down their name and the title of the tale on a colorful book cutout and add it to the turkey!
Gobbling Up Colorful Tales
- Background: White bulletin board paper.
- Title: "Gobbling Up Colorful Tales!"
- Border: Complimentary solid color trimmer or Thanksgiving themed border.
- Decoration: 1) The Turkey. Draw and cut out a a turkey body cutout from brown bulletin board paper. [If you read last weeks "Don't Be A Turkey" post, an easy way to create a turkey cutout is to draw a solid figure eight - using the top loop as the head and the bottom loop as the body.] Add wings, cut from brown bulletin board paper, then use construction paper to add the detailing - black and white eyes, a yellow beak, a red stroop, and orange feet. Don't worry about feathers. The turkey will get them as your students read! Create book cutouts from construction paper of assorted colors and attach these to the board as the month progresses. 2) The Fall Leaves. Download black and white leaf clip art, printing the images onto colored paper and cutting them out. Attach the colorful leaf cutouts to the bottom of the board. Of course, you might also consider purchasing leaf accents as well.