"I Am Thankful..." Pumpkin Kids Craft

Photo Source: The Moffatt Girls

Annie over at The Moffatt Girls put together this awesome "I Am Thankful..." pumpkin craft with her girls and we loved the idea as well as the opportunity for your kiddos to take time to count their blessings! She found the craft on Pinterest and it seems simple enough...


orange and green construction paper

craft scissors

black permanent marker


"I Am Thankful..." Pumpkin

Photo Source: The Moffatt Girls

Start by creating all of the pumpkin pieces. Cut two leaves and two long thin strips from the green construction paper, then cut eight 1" strips from the orange construction paper.

Have your kiddos use the marker to write something they are thankful for on each of the orange strips. Invite them to start each sentence with, "I am thankful for..." [NOTE: You'll need to leave a 1" space at each end of the strip, otherwise the writing will be covered up when the pumpkin is assembled.]

Finally, have your students write their name and the date on the leaf cutouts.

Photo Source: The Moffatt Girls

To assemble, fan out the orange strips (as the picture shows), stapling them together - first at the top, and then at the bottom.

Photo Source: The Moffatt Girls

Use a pencil to curl the long skinny strips of green construction paper...

...then attach the curled 'stems' and leaf cutouts to the top of the pumpkin.

Photo Source: The Moffatt Girls

Super cute, right!? For this and lots of other great activities and projects, be sure to visit The Moffatt Girls!

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