6 Awesome Fall/Halloween Crafts for Kids!
Sunflowers. Pumpkins. Colorful autumn trees. The fall season offers some fabulous crafting inspiration! If you're looking for a fun project idea to share with your kiddos, check out these 6 awesome craft ideas we found over at Getting Messy With Ms. Jessi!
Hand Print Sunflowers

Paint your kiddos' hands with yellow craft paint, inviting them to make five or six hand prints in a circle pattern - palms in, fingers out - creating a 'flower shape'. Finish the project by gluing sunflower seeds to the center of the shape.
Pine Cone Owls

A great mix of natural and store-bought items! Take students on a nature walk to find pine cones then, back in the classroom, invite them to glue feathers onto the cone as well as wiggle eyes and an orange pipe cleaner beak to create an owl!

A fabulous Halloween project! Have students work together in pairs; inviting them to take turns painting their foot (the foot green and the toes black) and creating a print of their foot on a sheet of white craft paper. Once the prints are dry, wiggle eyes and a black permanent marker create "Franken-foot's" face!
Hand Print Candy Corn

Fall wouldn't be fall without a little candy corn! Help students paint their hands and create a print on white craft paper. As with the actual candy, you'll need to paint three sections, the heel of the hand orange, the palm yellow, and the fingers white, then instruct students to hold their fingers together and press their hand gently onto the paper to make sure you get the desired shape! Isn't the candy corn garland Jessi made from the individual prints super cute!?
Spooky Spiders

Another great Halloween project! Were you able to tell that these spooky spiders were made from film canisters? Students cut strips of black construction paper - eight to be exact - to create the spider's legs, then glue the strips onto the lid of the film canister. When dry, fit the lid back on the canister, add wiggle eyes, and voila!
Here's some more pictures of the process...

[NOTE: Jessi hung these cute spiders on her bulletin board using fishing wire. If you're interested in adding these cute spooky spiders to your windows, door, ceiling, or bulletin board, be sure to visit the full post for directions!]
Color Mixing Pumpkins

Last, but not least, you can't let fall pass without a fun pumpkin project! With this simple craft students explore color mixing. Provide students with a piece of white craft paper, adding dots of red and yellow craft paint to the center of the paper, then invite them to use various tools to mix the two paints to see what happens! Once dry, have students draw or trace a pumpkin shape onto their paper and cut it out.
Aren't these projects great!? For the full post and lots of other great activity ideas, be sure to visit Getting Messy With Ms. Jessi!!