Cookie Cutter Stamped Fall Tree Craft for Kids!

Photo Source: I Heart Crafty Things

Rachel over at I Heart Crafty Things shared this super cute and super simple fall tree craft that we thought would be fun for both younger and older crafters alike!

Cookie Cutter Stamped Fall Tree

We love the contrasting texture of the brown card stock and the paint prints! Have your kiddos start by creating a tree trunk shape from the paper, gluing the shape onto the light blue piece of paper. To make print making easier, we suggest pouring the craft paint into shallow bowls or plates, then having your kiddos work one color at a time, washing the cookie cutter between each color change. We love how Rachel and her little crafter used the cookie cutter prints to shape the 'tree', as well as the fallen fall 'foilage'!

Super simple and fun! For the full craft - including the materials list - be sure to visit I Heart Crafty Things!

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