Winter Sweater Counting & Matching Game

How cute and colorful is this winter themed counting game created by Julie over at Mrs. Lee's Kindergarten?! If you're looking for a fun way to help your preschoolers practice numeral recognition and counting, we think this would make an excellent winter math center! The best part is it's simple to create. Find a black and white clip art image of a sweater and pair of jeans online, resize the images, and print them onto colored card stock - blue for the pants and assorted colors for the sweaters! Cut out the shapes and, for the final touches, print numerals on the pant cutouts and add colorful dot stickers to the sweaters. Laminate for durability and set the cutouts next to the clothesline with a basket of clothespins. As they pin matches, your kiddos not only build early math skills, they'll strengthen fine motor muscles as well!
For this fabulous activity and Julie's other fun winter themed learning ideas, be sure to visit Mrs. Lee's Kindergarten!