9 Fun Winter Sensory Activities!
Sensory play is a fun component of the preschool classroom and we found some fun activities from some of our favorite sources to use after winter break! Try one, try all! We know your kiddos will have a blast.

Make some 'fluffy stuff' snow dough with this recipe from Jessie over at Play Create Explore!

Create shredded paper winter animals like these from Marie over at Make and Takes!

Try some festive Jello scented molding dough with this recipe from Michelle at Sixty Second Parent...

...or homemade gingerbread play dough from Teach Preschool!

Create foamy snowscapes to use with toy cars like these from Marya over at You Pinspire Me!

Spice up some regular homemade play dough to create 'snow dough' with this recipe from Joann over at Ten Kids and a Dog! [NOTE: You might consider adding peppermint extract or wintergreen scent for an extra "winter" element!]

Create snowflakes with pine tree branches like these over at Family Fun!

Try some hot cocoa paint with this recipe from Bath Activities for Kids!

And, last but not least... Try some mitten painting, exploring what it's like to be a polar bear, with this activity from Morning Glory Family Day Care!