5 Fun Counting Activities for Spring!
Looking to update your math centers for spring? Here are 5 fun counting activities you might consider including...

Kite Tails! Have your kiddos identify the number on colorful kite cutouts and add the correct number of links to create the 'tail'! {Via Train Up a Child}

Watermelon Seeds. Invite students to identify the numeral and place the correct number of watermelon seeds (chocolate chips!) on each watermelon cutout. {Via Toddler Approved}

Caterpillar Bodies. Provided with caterpillar cards, each featuring a different numeral and (optional) number of body circles, have your kiddos identify the numeral and use the correct number of craft pom poms to create the caterpillar's body! {Via Peaceful Parenting}

Flower Petals. Create simple flower shapes, printing a numeral in the center of each, then invite your kiddos to identify the numeral and place the correct number of flower petals around the center! {Via Little Family Fun}

Sunflower Seeds. A variation of the flower counting fun found above. Instead of petals, invite your preschoolers to identify the numeral and place the correct number of seeds on the flower cutout! {Via Rainbows Within Reach}
Any of these counting activities would offer a great addition to your spring math centers! Be sure to visit each of these amazing sites for the full lesson details - and lots of other learning ideas!