Winter Fun - Snowflake Relay Races!

This activity, of course, is mostly just for fun. However the action of blowing into a straw does help strengthen muscles in the mouth that are important to speech development, so we say play away! {And, with how much fun she and her kiddos had with the game, we think Danielle over at Raising Little Rhodies would agree!} Whether you set it up as a simple afternoon activity or add it to your winter party plans, we know it will be a hit with your preschoolers!
Here's the gist...
Divide students into two teams, using a piece of duct tape to create a starting line and inviting your kiddos to form team lines behind it. Provide each student with an inexpensive drinking straw and set a team snowflake {the lighter in weight the better} at the starting line. Walk off 15 feet, placing two chairs - one for each team - at the end of the line. On your mark, invite the first player on each team, to get on their hands and knees and use their straw to blow the snowflake across the floor, around the chair, and back to the finish line. Continue this process, each player passing the snowflake off to the next student in line, until each player has had a turn. The team to get all of their players across the finish line first, wins! {See diagram below for relay race set-up. You'll probably need to set the game up in a hallway or the gymnasium.}
For the full lesson plan and other great winter themed learning activities, be sure to visit Raising Little Rhodies!