Welcome to Seussville! - Vibrant Dr. Seuss Display
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Photo Source: Suhaill Nuñez
We been having a blast finding displays inspired by the whimsical world of Dr. Seuss! This last Seuss-tastic feature created by Suhaill Nuñez, with its vibrant colors and fabulous mix of three-dimensional elements, prints/covers, and quirky character cutouts, would make an great addition to your classroom decor this March!
Photo Source: Suhaill Nuñez
Welcome to Seussville!
Background: Cover the top two-thirds of your bulletin board with light blue bulletin board paper, adding a few white cloud cutouts cut from white bulletin board paper. For the bottom third, cut several strips of the green bulletin board paper (of varying heights), fringing the top of each. Attach the tallest piece first, allowing the fringe to hang down and adjusting it here and there to look like ‘hills of grass’ on the ‘horizon’. Add the rest of the strips of paper, arranging the fringe in the same way. You'll get a whimsical, three-dimensional 'grass' effect!
Title: "Welcome to Seussville!" - We love how Suhaill created a colorful bunting from vibrant card stock and Seuss-inspired letters! Attach the flags to patterned ribbon and string it to the top of the bulletin board.
Border: Seuss themed trimmer.
Decoration: 1) The Truffula Trees. Paint recycled gift wrap rolls with yellow craft paint, using black electrical tape to add stripes to the dried "tree trunks". Attach a trunk to each side of the bulletin board and create a top for each tree using colorful art tissue paper. [Here's a great tutorial for paper puff pom poms from Martha Stewart!] 2) The Covers and Prints. Find your favorite Dr. Seuss titles online, print onto white card stock, then cut and laminate. Add these out around the display. You might also find free Dr. Seuss quotes/prints as well. A simple search turned up some of these great FREE prints...
Photo Source: makingtheworldcuter.comPhoto Source: blogtastic.org.ukPhoto Source: classroomfreebies.comPhoto Source: balancinghome.comPhoto Source: pocketfullofkinders.blogspot.com
3) The Characters. Purchase a bulletin board set, freehand your own Seuss characters, or find free clip art online to print, cut, and laminate!