The Best of Dr. Seuss - Part 1
In honor of Read Across America and Dr. Seuss' birthday, we've been scouring the web for the best Dr. Seuss decorating ideas! Here's a look at what we found...

Sarah over at Better Bulletin Boards created this fabulous door display for Read Across America. We love the striped background and we know your kiddos will enjoy seeing their pictures paired with the 'Cat's hat'!

Allison Drake of Room Mom 101 featured a fun display to go along with Dr. Seuss' My Many Colored Days. Invite your kiddos to explore the connection between colors and emotions then use the vibrant results to create a seuss-tastic display!

Ms. Abbott (in conjunction with Ms. Schwartz), inspired by Dr. Seuss' Oh, the Places You'll Go!, created this incredible bulletin board to feature the various opportunities available to the graduating seniors of Worthington Kilbourne High School after earning their diploma. Along with the adorable {and intricate!} book theme, the counseling center staff displayed pictures of the different college campuses their students had applied to, visited, and/or were looking forward to attending the following fall! [NOTE: This doesn't have to be strictly for high school students - you might also consider asking your elementary students to bring in pictures of themselves in the costume to show what they want to be when they grow up!]

Virginia Christy over at Mrs. Christy's Kindergarten shared this wonderful board inspired by Seuss' Green Eggs & Ham. We love the featured writing project - invite your kiddos to describe how to make green eggs and ham and, perhaps, illustrate the process! The result is a fun display that classmates, parents, and staff will love to peruse!
These are just a few of the exciting designs floating around! Be sure to visit tomorrow for some more great ideas!