We The Kids - Learning About the Constitution

If you're working ahead to get your September units squared away, here's a fun lesson to add to your Constitution Day plans from Crystal over at Kreative in Kinder! {Just a reminder, Constitution Day is Monday, September 17th!} Created to go along with David Catrow's We The Kids, well-known children's book showing how the Preamble is relevant in our present-day lives, and Charlie Brown's The Birth of the Constitution, Crystal works with her kiddos to create their own Constitution for their classroom! The best part is, each student gets a chance to sign the document, committing to {try their best to} live by the values and ideals it presents.
We suggest typing up a copy of the class Constitution to send home with each student so that they can share it with their families. And maybe, while you're at it, you might invite each family to create a Constitution for their household like the ladies of Lesson Plan SOS did. It's a great way for your students to discuss with their families what they value most and how they plan to live it out!
For the full write-up of these activities, be sure to visit these awesome teacher blogs!