Veterans Day Lesson - Literature, Sentence Building, & More!

We stumbled across this great Veterans Day lesson from Ms. Williamson over at Welcome to Room 36 and thought we should pass it along just in case you need some last minute activity ideas for Monday! Jessica and her kinders started out the day by creating a "can / have / are" soldier bubble map. As they reviewed what they knew about soldiers, students were invited to take the lead in choosing the correct linking word. {The anchor chart is super cute, but you might also consider having your kiddos fill in their own bubble map as you go!} Once completed, Jessica and her kiddos used the organizer to construct then practice reading simple sentences - i.e. "Soldiers can protect us."
This is just ONE of the awesome activity ideas Ms. Williamson shares at her blog! Be sure to head over for the rest of the lesson - including literature selections and a craftivity recommendation!