There's a Wocket in My Pocket!
Filled with bizarre creatures and rhymes, Dr. Seuss' There's a Wocket in My Pocket is sure to become a fast favorite with your kiddos {if it isn't already!}. If you're planning to incorporate this colorful children's classic into your lesson plans for Read Across America/Dr. Seuss' birthday, here are some fun activities you might consider!

Class Book. Have your kiddos create their own rhymes worthy of this Seuss classic! We like how Cheri of If Only I Had Super Powers... and Cindy of Mrs. Gilchrist's Class tailored the rhymes to the home/classroom - i.e. "There's a lor by the door", "There's a spresk on the desk.", etc. Armed with art supplies, invite your preschoolers to bring their new rhymes to life, photographing the creatures/objects they've created around the classroom and assembling them in a class book. Cindy thoughtfully provides a FREE book template over at her blog!

Pocket Sorting Game. Maureen over at Spell Outloud created this game to help her daughter work with rhyming words. Simply create word cards {we suggest adding pictures to help your preschoolers make picture-text connections} and invite your students to make matches. For individual use, once the student has made a match, have them stick the cards in the game pocket. For small group use, provide each student with a game pocket and use the cards to play a memory/matching game. The student with the most matches at the end of the game, wins.

What Do I Have in My Pocket? This fun memory game comes from Jadi over at Homemaking Fun! Great for small group play, place 10 to 12 objects on a tray and invite your kiddos to take a minute to study them. Have them turn around while you remove one item from the tray and put it in your pocket. Students will have a blast as they try to guess which item you've swiped! Once they get the hang of it, invite your students to take turns selecting and hiding an object in their pocket!
We hope you have a Seuss-tastic time planning your lessons!