Spring Weather Journals - Exploring Weather
While you may already have a weather component in your morning/daily routine, as you take a closer look at weather and nature this spring, consider having your little "meteorologists" keep their own weather journal.

File Folder Journals. Bern of Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas suggests pasting journal pages into a file folder to keep during the week {or whatever period of time you decide}. She offers a printable worksheet on which your kiddos practice printing weather words as well as weather stickers to place on each entry.
Journal Pages & Weather Flash Cards. You might also consider providing your students with these journal pages and weather flash cards to use. Have your kiddos punch a hole in the top of each page and hold the pages together with a binder ring. Each day, students will practice printing weather words then cut out the appropriate weather flash card and paste it in the box on the page. [NOTE: We found the weather flash cards here.]

Weather Graph. Provide your little ‘weather watchers’ with this weather graph we found at Growing Kinders. Each morning students will consult and mark off the type of weather being experienced. Keeping the results in graph form allows your preschoolers to compare types of weather at the end of the unit.