Spring Scavenger Hunt

egg carton preschool spring scavenger hunt activity
Photo Source: iammommahearmeroar.blogspot.com

Now that the temperatures are warmer and the earth is beginning to 'bloom', take your preschoolers on a scavenger hunt around the schoolyard. Cheri of I Am Momma - Hear Me Roar provides a wonderful example hunt with stunning visual aids, recycled materials, and 'treasure' indigenous to the region and season.

Putting the Hunt Together

Start by creating a list of spring plants and objects indigenous to your area/region {you'll need twelve, one for each egg cup in an egg carton}. Consider different flowering plants, tree leaves, grasses, soil, seeds, nuts, etc.  Also, as Cheri shows, you'll need a picture of each of the items on your final list - either collect a sample from the yard and take pictures using a light background or find and print images online.

We're Going on a Treasure Hunt

Divide students into groups of two or three, providing each group with a picture list and an empty egg carton. Have your kiddos glue the image sheet to the top of the carton and ready their sleuthing skills. As they tour the schoolyard, have your students place their collected samples into the proper egg cups {those that correspond with the pictures on the top of the carton} for further examination in the classroom.

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