Spelling with Hand-Painted Alphabet Rocks!

Looking for a new spelling manipulative? These awesome {magnetic!} letter rocks would make a great addition to your literacy center. They have so many uses for both beginning and more advanced learners!
- Go on a letter scavenger hunt - "Can you find letter 'B'?"
- Have your students put the letter rocks in alphabetical order.
- Print upper and lower case letter cards and have your kiddos match the rocks to the appropriate card.
- Hide the rock letters around the classroom and invite your students to find them in alphabetical order.
- Invite students to identify the letters in their names. [Extension: Have students identify the letters in their classmates' names. Provide the with a class roster to use as a guide.]
- Show students clip art pictures of various items. Invite them to choose the alphabet rock with the correct beginning letter sound.
- Have your kiddos practice spelling CVC and sight words using the rock letters, using flash cards or a worksheet as a guide.
For project directions, be sure to visit Runde's Room. Jen, the blog's creator, did a marvelous job creating the adorable alphabet rocks shown above!