Snowman Estimation and Measuring

Invite your kiddos to practice a bit of winter estimation and measuring with this fun activity from Darla and Tracy of The Preschool Toolbox -they even offer free activity printables!
To complete the activity, you'll need...
- Snowman worksheet
- Non-standard measuring units {wooden blocks, unifix cubes, paperclips, etc.}
- Recording sheet
- Crayons
Begin by having your kiddos estimate how many measuring items it takes to measure the snowman on the worksheet. Darla and Tracy have some great suggestions on how to discuss with/demonstrate for your students what a 'reasonable' guess might be. After each child has had a chance to guess, get to measuring! Count and record how many measuring items were needed on the provided recording sheet.
This is a fabulous way to develop early math skills. Be sure to head on over to The Preschool Toolbox for the activity worksheets and, while you're there, browse around for lots of other great ideas!