Snowman Counting File Folder Game

Perfect for the winter season, Jennifer of Ramblings of a Crazy Woman put together a fabulous snowman matching game that will help your kiddos build numeral recognition and strengthen counting skills. To assemble the file folder game...
- Find a black and white clip art snowman online. There's a cute snowman paper doll over at Danielle's Place, complete with top hat and knit cap cutouts. Additionally, the snowman doesn't have any buttons so you can draw as many as needed.
- Print and cut out 12 snowmen, adding a different number of "buttons" to the front of each cutout.
- Print 12 hats onto colored paper, adding a different numeral to each.
- Laminate all game pieces, attaching the snowmen cutouts to the file folder and placing the hats in an envelope.

To play...
The game is really quite simple - invite your kiddos to count the number of buttons on each snowman, identifying the matching numeral on the hat cutouts available, and place the hats on the snowmen.
For this fabulous winter game and many other early childhood activity ideas, be sure to head over to Ramblings of a Crazy Woman!