Seuss-tastic Counting, Measuring, Shapes, & More!

Dr. Seuss' birthday/Read Across America is one of my {Kayla} favorite holidays! There are SO many fun things you can do to infuse your lesson plans with a bit of 'Seuss'. Check out this awesome collection of activities from Rebecca over at The Princess and the Tot! She offers tons of great ideas - you'll have to visit her blog for the full details, but in the meantime, here's a look at our favorite activities!
Cat in the Hat Measuring
This Cat in the Hat inspired math center - put together with a ruler, some paper strips, and white/red Duplos or Legos - is a fabulous way for your kiddos to practice using a ruler as well as introduce them to measuring with non-standard units. Provide students with strips of blue paper (of different lengths), inviting them to measure the paper with a ruler first, and then with the blocks.
- Cut the strips of paper to whole numbers {i.e. 1-inch, 3-inches, 4-inches, 7-inches, 10-inches, 12-inches}.
- Label the strips - A through F - so students can properly record measurements.
- Provide students with a recording sheet {see example below}, inviting them to script the each measurement for some extra printing practice!
Example recording sheet
Green Eggs & Ham Shapes {pictured above}
We love this shape recognition activity inspired by Green Eggs & Ham! Rebecca drew egg whites onto a piece of paper and added a different shaped 'yolk' to each. Armed with green wooden shapes, her kiddos matched the wooden pieces to the egg with the same shaped yolk. If you don't have wooden shapes, consider creating the entire activity from craft foam. Your kiddos will love working with the manipulatives!
These are just two of the awesome Seuss-inspired activities over at The Princess and the Tot so be sure to head over to Rebecca's blog for the rest!