Reviewing Shapes with Christmas Trees

Linda at Little Family Fun posted a cute winter activity today that we thought we'd pass along! It's perfect for helping your kiddos review shapes, practice sequencing, and work with objects of different sizes. All you need is some green construction paper and scissors and you're ready to make your own shape Christmas tree activity!
Before beginning, Linda suggests creating all the shapes - ovals, squares, triangles, circles, etc. Cut three of each shape - one small, one medium, and one large - and to reduce wear and tear, we recommend laminating all of the construction paper shapes.
To complete the activity, invite your students to sort the shapes by type, then arrange each group by size on a work mat, stacking the shapes from largest {bottom} to smallest {top}. They'll end up with lots of cute shape trees and, if you provide dry erase markers in various colors, your kiddos can have some extra fun decorating and re-decorating all of them!
For this and other great learning ideas, be sure to visit Little Family Fun!