Preschool Flower Shop - Spring Dramatic Play

Dramatic play areas offer powerful opportunities for learning, cultivating imagination, and just plain fun! To go along with your spring unit on plants and gardening, consider turning your pretend corner into a flower shop!
Supplies You'll Need {a Non-Exhaustive List}
- Silk flowers
- Flowerpots
- Watering cans
- "Misting" bottles
- Gloves
- Aprons
- Plastic vases
- Seed packets
- Styrofoam balls
- Flower books
- Cash register
- Telephone
- Paper pads/order forms
- Small cards {to place with arrangements}
- Pencils and pens
Consider creating three distinct spaces - a 'greenhouse' area where flowers are grown and tended, an arrangement center, and a front counter where your little "florists" can interact with their customers. With these simple items and pretend areas, your kiddos can practice ordering arrangements, taking orders, arranging, and delivering flowers to their classmates. They'll have so much fun they'll beg you to keep the flower shop "open" year round!