Pirate Play Dough

Add a bit of sensory fun to your pirate lessons {International Talk Like A Pirate Day is September 19th, after all!} with this awesome homemade play dough recipe from Sierra over at H is for Homeschooling! To provide her kiddos with a unique pirate play dough experience, she made a batch of homemade dough and added black food coloring, gold glitter, and rum extract. Set out with some pirate themed cookie cutters, flags, coins/gems, and the customary dough cutters, rollers, stamps, etc. - we know your kiddos will have a blast! [NOTE: If you're uncomfortable with the idea of using rum extract, you might consider swapping it for coconut essential oil to play on the 'tropical' theme, sandalwood, or another scent that might make you think 'pirate'!]
For the play dough recipe, be sure to visit H is for Homeschooling!