Our LOVE For Learning Grows & GROWS! - Valentine's Day Bulletin Board

Flower Themed Valentine's Day Bulletin Board Idea

A cute exercise for Valentine's Day, invite your students to reflect on the school year and identify two or three things they've enjoyed learning about. Then, armed with construction paper and markers, have them create (or provide them with templates to create) a flower pot and heart "flowers" on which to write their list. Arranged on a simple bulletin board - all you need is background paper, a Valentine's trimmer, and a cutesy title - these crafts make for a fun holiday display!

Our LOVE For Learning Grows & GROWS!

  • Background: White bulletin board paper.
  • Title: "Our LOVE For Learning Grows & GROWS!" - Because this is a Valentine's Day themed board, we thought it was cute to set the word "LOVE" apart from the rest and add a heart in place of the "O"!
  • Border: Valentine's Day themed trimmer or complimentary colored/patterned bulletin board border.
  • Decoration: Use your students' crafts! Be sure to have your kiddos write their name on the flower pot and write legibly on the heart "flowers"! [NOTE: If using darker colors of construction paper, you may wish to provide pre-cut white heart cutouts that are smaller than the "flowers" which can be mounted on the flower hearts to create a layered look and provide a lighter background that writing is sure to show up on!]

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