A Twist on Conversation Hearts - Valentine's Day Bulletin Board Idea

Conversation Hearts Valentine's Day Bulletin Board Idea
Photo Source: theteacherwife.blogspot.com

While traditional conversation hearts are great, we love what second-year second-grade teacher Lindsey over at The Teacher Wife did to spice them up! Instead of generic, cutesy messages, she created 'prompt' conversation hearts that allowed her students to get to know each other better! Use her idea as a fun Valentine's Day party activity, or have your kiddos complete the hearts ahead of time so that they can be displayed {perhaps in the hallway} for others to read and enjoy! The best part - Lindsey provides a {FREE} printable prompt conversation heart to make this process and design super easy! All you'll need to do is provide your kiddos with the craft supplies - glitter, glue, art tissue paper, sequins, gems, etc. - and you'll have dynamic, ready-made bulletin board decorations when decorating time rolls around!

Conversation Heart Valentine's Day Bulletin Board

  • Background: Black bulletin board paper.
  • Title: "We Had A Heart-To-Heart!"
  • Border: Complimentary solid or patterned border. You might also consider a fun Valentine's Day themed trimmer.
  • Decoration: Collect your students' completed and decorated conversation heart prompts, stringing them together on colorful lengths of ribbon or yarn, and mount them onto the bulletin board. As the board above shows, you may have to create multiple strings of hearts.

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