Learning About Martin Luther King Jr.

Monday, January 21st we observe Martin Luther King Jr. Day. If you haven't already, here are some fun lesson ideas to help your preschoolers learn a little bit more about this important historical figure!
Reading About MLK Jr.
Introducing the topic with picture books! The colorful illustrations are sure to help your preschoolers connect with the story and new information. We found a list of 20 titles over at OwnADaycare.com that provides a great starting point, but you could also ask your library media specialist to recommend several books as well!
Organizing New Information
Use a brace map to help your preschoolers organize the new information about Martin Luther King Jr! Erin over at Eberhart's Explorers provides a great example {pictured above} as well as FREE handouts for your preschoolers to fill out as you go along!
MLK Poetry
After learning about the various themes of MLK Day - harmony, diversity, equality, etc. - work together with your preschoolers to write a peace poem like this one from April over Chalk Talk! She offers a great template that will help your kiddos think about what peace looks like, sounds like, etc. [Not to mention, April shares lots of other great MLK Day activities and resources!]