Holiday Book Christmas Countdown

This winter activity is kind-of similar to our feature from Wednesday - the literature Christmas tree from A Day of Wonders - but is a fun alternative {or addition!} that we thought would make a great classroom tradition. The idea comes from Brooke at Let Kids Create. As a fun way to get ready for the Christmas holiday, Brooke suggests wrapping up your favorite seasonal literature selections, having your kiddos pick one each day, and read it together as a class! We think this is a fabulous way to get your students excited about reading/literature and a fun way to herald in the Christmas holiday!
For tips and tricks of the holiday book countdown "trade" {what to do if you don't have many seasonal books in your personal library*, where to find books at the library if the "holiday section" is picked over, etc.} - be sure to visit Let Kids Create.
*A great way to expand your selection is to have your kiddos bring in a favorite holiday book from home to share with the class. Be sure to ask parents to put their child's name on the book though so that they're sent back to the right place!