Groundhog Day Beginning Letter Sounds

Check out this fun Groundhog Day lesson printable from Jo over at Making Learning Fun! A perfect way to spice up your literacy center for the holiday, students are invited to sort picture cards based on their beginning letter sounds - those words beginning with the "c" sound are slipped into the cloud slot and those words beginning with the "s" sound are slipped through the sun slot. The best part is all you'll need are two recycled cake mix boxes and the printables!
Of course, if you're in a pinch and don't have the materials for creating the sorting box, you can always...
- Complete the activity using a pocket chart.
- Recycle coffee cans or oatmeal containers, creating labeled "burrows" for your students to sort the cards into.
- Create simple cloud and sun sorting mats for students to place their cards on.
For this FREE printable Groundhog Day activity, be sure to visit Making Learning Fun!