Fingerprint Letter Fun!

Looking for a fun why to get your kiddos to practice letter formation and properly writing their name? We found this terrific idea at Creative Tots that your preschoolers will love to complete any day of the week {trust us!}.
- Print or carefully script each student's name onto a piece of card stock.
- Add a colorful border using glue and construction paper (optional).
- Armed with ink pads and their fingers, invite students to trace each letter {using proper form/direction} with fingerprints.
- Step back and realize that you've probably created some fingerprint fanatics!!
Capitalizing on the enthusiasm for this new and exciting way to practice letter formation, consider extending the activity to include individual letter cards {featuring both upper and lower case}, vocabulary words, common sight words, and even full alphabet mats! Not to mention, when finished, you can easily segue into a science investigation of fingerprints - discussing how each person has unique prints, looking at them more closely using magnifying glasses, learning how to 'dust for prints', etc.
Be sure to visit Creative Tots for more great pictures and preschool resources!