Creating A Storytelling Pathway

Sally of Fairy Dust Teaching has created a fantastic way of helping your preschoolers learn about story sequencing and practice retelling a story, all while building comprehension! It's known as a "storytelling pathway". Super fun and completely inexpensive, students take turns traveling along the "pathway" {simply a long sheet of bulletin board paper with a hand-drawn "path" and various story cues/images} in order to retell a focus story.
Sally recommends having your kiddos help you create the storytelling pathway, discussing the important elements from the story and deciding on the appropriate image cue. Set them loose, coloring the images along the trail, then invite them to give the exercise a shot! [NOTE: It might be fun to create a 3D storytelling pathway bringing stuffed animals, props, etc. to set along the trail!]
To see how Sally and her students adapted the storytelling pathway to go along with "Goldilocks and the Three Bears", head on over to Fairy Dust Teaching for the full post. While you're there, be sure to check out Sally's other {fantastic!} early childhood resources!