Completing a Leaf Report

We found this adorable fall leaf report at Little Giraffes, a fantastic resource for teachers originally created by kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Flanagan, now maintained by A to Z Teacher Stuff. Simply invite your kiddos to go on a leaf walk, having them collect just one {their favorite!}, and bring it back to the classroom to help them fill out their report.
In the report, they'll determine whether their leaf should be classified as small, medium, or large, as well as the color group it falls into. Students will also record why the leaf was their favorite {i.e. what characteristics made it pop!} and draw a picture of it. The 'data' in the reports can then be used for all kinds of fun things...
- Create a frequency chart/bar graph to determine which color was selected most
- Count how many small leaves were collected, medium leaves, etc. and display the results on a pie chart.
- Break students into groups by color of leaf chosen, then invite each group to sort themselves further by size.
This exercise is great! Students will learn about collecting data and arranging the information in a report, while also strengthening other {depending on what supplemental activities you choose} - graphing, sorting, colors, size, etc.