Christmas Vocabulary Building & Letter Recognition

This activity from Linda at Little Family Fun is simple to put together, but is a great way to build vocabulary, strengthen letter recognition, practice spelling, and build early reading skills! Simply brainstorm a list of Christmas vocabulary words, write them out in upper case letters onto sentence strips or strips of card stock, and make lower case letter tiles from green construction paper that your kiddos can use to match and spell words! Once spelled, have your students read the word they've created.
To add an extra element of fun, consider taping the word strips onto an old cookie sheet, providing your students with a bucket of letter magnets {or creating your own magnetic tiles with word processing software and magnet paper}, using them to complete the activity! Or, for some added writing practice, create word strips with lines beneath each letter. Laminate the strips and set them out with dry erase markers. Instead of matching the letter tiles, invite students to practice scripting the matching lower case letter.
We think this is such a fun holiday literacy or writing center activity! Be sure to visit Little Family Fun for this and other great learning exercises!