Can You Recycle It? Can You Reuse It?

Happy Earth Day!
Earth Day provides a great opportunity to foster awareness of the things families in your community - and even your preschoolers! - can do to take care of our Earth. From conservation to recycling, your kiddos are sure to be amazed that simply waiting to turn the faucet on until after they've lathered their hands with soap, turning off the water while brushing their teeth, or recycling their milk cartons instead of throwing them away can make a big difference!
In honor of 'Recycling Day' (which makes it a great pick for Earth Day, as well!), Annie Moffatt of The Moffatt Girls created this fabulous sorting activity that will help your students become acquainted with every day items that can be recycled or reused! Begin by having your kiddos cut and sort the pictures into the proper column - "Recyclable" v. "Not Recyclable". Then, as a class, check their work and discuss why these items may or may not be recyclable, other uses that might be found for items that are not recyclable, etc.
To pick up your own FREE copy of this colorful Earth Day activity, be sure to visit The Moffatt Girls!