Blubber Glove - Winter Animals Science Experiment

Here's a cute science experiment to do with your preschoolers this winter posted by Deanna Jump of Mrs. Jump's Class! It's a great way to encourage critical thinking, making predictions, and discussing observations.
After introducing several arctic animals - polar bears, walruses, penguins, etc. - ask your students if they know how these animals stay warm in the winter. Discuss how, not only do these animals live in cold, snowy habitats, they also need to swim in frigid waters in order to find food. Have your kiddos stick their hand in a bin of icy water for effect.
Invite your kiddos to brainstorm how this might be possible. Encourage them to think about how they stay warm {layers of heavy clothing} and then introduce the blubber glove. Have each child compare the sensation of sticking one hand in directly in the icy water and using the blubber glove buffer for the other. They'll be amazed to discover that polar bears, walruses, penguins, and other arctic animals have this insulation built in!
To make a blubber glove...
- Fill a gallon sized Ziploc bag with Crisco; being sure to coat the bottom and both sides to about an inch and a half from the top.
- Nestle a second Ziploc bag down into the first, created a pocket.
- At the top, seal off the opening where the two bags meet on either side with duct tape.
Mrs. Jump has lots of great winter ideas, so be sure to head over to her classroom website for some inspiration!