Poppy Wreath Memorial Day Craft

We love the idea of having your kiddos work together to create a poppy wreath in recognition of Memorial Day. The finished product makes a beautiful door decoration and the craft itself offers a great opportunity for discussing important themes/symbolism related to the holiday. For example; Unity is an important foundational principle of our country. Not only do we recognize the sacrifice of the men and women who gave their lives defending this ideal shared by our country as a whole, we also recognize the special bond formed by those who serve, and have served, in our country's armed forces. The wreath shape and craft parallel this theme/idea, 'uniting' all of the individual poppies into a beautiful work of art as well as inviting students to work together to reach a common goal.

To create the poppies, we used this awesome template found over at Tally's Treasury, construction paper, scissors, and glue. For an extra special touch, we added stars to the wreath with various things written on them - "we remember", "courage", and "honor".

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