Weathertime Pageantry - Exploring Weather

Spicing up your weather unit with hands-on races and activities is great and so is adding in some 'weathertime pageantry'! We found some awesome crafts and parade ideas from Sally at Fairy Dust Teaching.
Pageant Sticks
What's a parade without pageant sticks? Sally had her students brainstorm the types of weather they encountered - sunny, cloudy, rainy, foggy, snowy, cold, etc. - and invited them to illustrate the different types using paint and poster board. They then mounted their dried creations onto dowel rods/flag sticks adding colorful streamers to the back and edges for extra color, visual interest, and movement.
Weathertime Pageantry
There are several ways to use the pageant sticks. You can use them like Sally's class did, observing the morning weather, picking the correct stick and singing the appropriate verse of their weather song. [Be sure to visit the full post for the song lyrics. It's a great selection because the words are simple and easy to remember.] You might also consider singing the entire song, providing each child with a pageant stick, and dance around the classroom, pretending to be each type of weather as you sing the appropriate verse.
We love when lessons involve a hands-on approach {and provide a chance for your students to get their wiggles out while learning!}. Be sure to visit Sally's full post for more tips and ideas!