5 Little Leaves Craft & Poem for Fall!

How cute is this activity from Stephanie over at Boy Mama Teacher Mama!? We love incorporating songs, poems, rhymes, and fingerplays into your daily lessons, especially when they're interactive, and we think this craftivity would make a great addition to your fall plans!
5 Little Leaves Craft
white craft paper
red, orange, yellow, and brown craft paint
leaf templates
kids craft scissors
wiggle eyes
recycled toilet paper rolls
Creating the Leaf Characters

Begin by using fall colored paints to cover the white craft paper with paint; set aside to dry. Additionally, use the fall paints to cover each of the recycled toilet paper rolls and set these aside to dry also.

Find or create leaf templates.

Use the templates to create leaf cutouts from the dried painted paper.

Add wiggle eyes to the leaf cutouts.

Cut two short slits into one end of each dried toilet paper rolls (one on each side of the opening) and slide a paper leaf cutout down into the slots to create the leaf characters.
"5 Little Leaves" Rhyme
Stephanie shares three fun interactive rhymes to go with these cute characters! You can print off a copy of one of the rhymes below to get you started! For the other two rhymes, be sure to visit Boy Mama Teacher Mama.
A wonderful activity right!? Whether you make a class set or have your kiddos create their own, we know they'll have a great time learning the rhymes and acting them out with the fall leaf characters!