We Sure Do 'App'reciate Everyone At Our School! - Teacher Appreciation Display
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Teacher appreciation week will soon be upon us and, if you are looking to show your thanks with a colorful display, we’ve been collecting fun, vibrant, and unique bulletin boards to share!
Photo Source: reallyquitelucky.blogspot.com
Isn't this technology themed teacher appreciation bulletin board created by Allie over at Really Quite Lucky 'app'ealing?! Super colorful and full of fantastic detail, the hand painted 'apps' and customized 'app reviews' are sure to be a hit with staff, students, and parents!
We Sure Do 'App'reciate Everyone At Our School!
Background: White bulletin board paper.
Title: "We Sure Do 'App'reciate Everyone At Our School!"
Border: Colorful patterned bulletin board border.
Decoration: 1) The iPhone. Cut a large rectangle with rounded corners from black bulletin board paper. Create the earpiece and screen detail with gray background paper cutting a long, narrow rounded rectangle and a long rectangle, respectively. Black bulletin board paper and white card stock can be cut to create the home button at the bottom of the iPhone. You'll need a black circle, a white rounded square, and a slightly smaller black rounded square. Layer the shapes and attach the cutout to the bottom of the phone shape. 2) The Apps. Cut rounded squares from white card stock, using pencil to draw the various app designs, and craft paint/paint pens to color them in. 3) The App Reviews. Take pictures of the dried 'apps', using them and computer software to create reviews. Allie used Photoshop, but we're certain you could use a simple paint or word processing application as well. You'll have to visit Allie's blog for the full set of reviews, but aren't these super creative?!Photo Source: reallyquitelucky.blogspot.com
Arrange the reviews around the iPhone cutout and you're finished!