"We Promise..." Earth Day Bulletin Board Display Idea

Enhance your Earth Day discussions with this fantastic bulletin board idea created by Brooke Perry {and featured at Chalk Talk, a blog designed and maintained by kindergarten teacher, April Larremore!}. To begin, Brooke and her students talked about what it means to take care of the Earth and the consequences for not being prudent with its resources. They then discussed what a promise is and completed a fun activity where they put their personal "promises" to the Earth in writing.
Earth Day Promises
It looks like Brooke had her students write their responses out on a simple worksheet, but you might also consider having them complete one of these fun Earth Day crafts to display their message on. Both of these projects come from DLTK-Kids and the openings in the wreaths provide the perfect place for students to script their promises. [Not only that, they'll provide extra color and visual interest on the board!]

Earth Day Display
- Background: White bulletin board paper.
- Title: "Our Promises To The Earth" - Brooke scripted the title directly onto the background paper with craft paint, but you could also use traditional bulletin board letters.
- Border: Complimentary solid color trimmer or Earth-themed border.
- Decoration: 1) The Earth. Measure and cut a large circle from white background paper, tracing the outline with black permanent marker or craft paint. Set up a paint center, providing several shallow dishes of green and blue craft paint and an assortment of paint brushes. Have your students take turns painting their hands using the brushes or by dipping their hands into the paint, placing green and blue hand prints all over the cutout to create the Earth. Mount this in the center of the board. 2) The Promises. Place your students' worksheets or wreath crafts around the hand print Earth cutout.
We love that this bulletin board design is interactive, can act as a lesson extension, and may just inspire your students to actually remember and put their promises into action!