Tropical Toucan Welcome Back-to-School Bulletin Board Idea

Vibrant board with inspiring messages are just the way to welcome your students at the start of a new and exciting school year! Kindergarten teacher, Stacy McNair, achieved just that with her tropical toucan welcome board. Through the use of vibrant colors she creates an exciting learning environment, by incorporating student names and handmade crafts she nurtures a sense of pride and belonging, and by tying it all together with positive tag line she promotes an excitement to learn and succeed together.
Toucan Welcome Board
- Background: Yellow bulletin board paper.
- Title: "One can... "Toucan"... We all can!"
- Border: Tropical themed bulletin borders or leafy green vines. You can purchase fake greenery at your local craft store or make your own vines from green construction paper or card stock.
- The Tree. Using crumbled paper bags or brown bulletin board paper, form a three-dimensional tree trunk and branches in the center of the bulletin board. Add more fake greenery or construction paper vines and leaves to the tree branches.
- The Underbrush. Use fake fern fronds purchased at your local craft store to create 'bushes' at the base of the tree or create your own using green construction paper or card stock.
- The Toucans. Create a toucan template from heavy card stock. Have your students cut out each template piece then trace it on the appropriate color of construction paper. You'll need the following colors: black, white, yellow, orange, red, green, and blue. Provide students with glue sticks and invite them to assemble the colorful toucan pieces. When finished, provide each student with an adhesive label, instructing them to neatly pen their name and attach the label to the toucan craft. When the glue has had time to adhere, arrange your students' toucan crafts on and around the tree branches. McNair also suggests making a larger toucan to sit among the others for visual interest.
UPDATE {June 3, 2013}:
A year after this post was published, we were asked if Stacy might have a template for the toucans that she was willing to share. We didn't hear back in time, so we made a toucan template ourselves! To grab a copy of the toucan template, simply add the item to your cart below. Enjoy!

McNair's tropical welcome bulletin board reminds us that back-to-school decorations can be more than just nice to look at - they can set the tone for the entire school year!
How do you welcome your students to class? We'd love for you to leave us a comment describing your back-to-school decor!
NOTE FOR TEACHERS: This board was a submission to SignUpGenius' Back-To-School Bulletin Board Contest where one lucky teacher will win a $250 Walmart gift card to help with the cost of classroom supplies. Here's how it works, go to and:
Upload your classroom bulletin board picture.The first 20 entries will win a $5.00 Starbucks gift card.-
Have your classroom students and parents “vote” for your board (one vote per day per household allowed). The Bulletin board with the most votes through 9/20/10 wins a $250 Walmart gift card for classroom "back to school" supplies!
Although the contest is now closed, be sure to check out how SignUpGenius can help you organize classroom parties, teacher groups, and much much more!