The Gold Glove Club - Baseball Behavior Management Bulletin Board Idea
Several weeks ago, I had the extreme privilege of visiting my childhood elementary school to check out the newest and best in classroom decorations! Despite their busy schedules - meetings and last minute preparations before school started the next day - the gracious teachers at Hartville Elementary welcomed me into their colorful and engaging world; a world in which they will spend countless hours the next 180 days, imp!acting the lives of the children in our community. I thank you all for dedicating your lives to helping our children grow, both as students and individuals. Here's to a brilliant school year, ladies and gents! {And thanks a million for allowing me the opportunity to visit your classrooms! I had a blast!}
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It's important to recognize positive behavior and encourage excellence in the classroom. Mr. Knepp, third grade teacher and sports extraordinaire, came up with this fantastic baseball themed behavior management display that we're certain caught the attention of both students and parents at Meet the Teacher Night!
Here's the scoop...
Each student has a baseball glove on the board. When they're 'caught' doing something nice for another student, helping out during class, having a positive attitude, putting forth effort on classroom assignments, etc., Mr. Knepp awards them with a sticker. When students collect a certain number of stickers, they're inducted into the "Gold Glove Club" for the grading period. Fresh glove cutouts are added at the beginning of each grading period and the fun begins all over again!
Those that have been inducted into the "Gold Glove Club" have their picture displayed above the bulletin board and, those who earn this honor for all four grading periods, are awarded with the "All Room 203" and have their picture, name, and year forever 'engraved' on the "Home Plate of Fame." Even if you aren't a sports buff, this system is pretty cool!
The Gold Glove Club Bulletin Board
- Background: Mr. Knepp used green indoor/outdoor grass turf to cover the bulletin board, but you could also use green background paper.
- Title: "'Caught' Doing Something Great!"
- Border: Sports themed trimmer or colorful pennant cutouts.
Decoration:1) The Board. Purchase, draw, or print mini baseball glove cutouts, using computer software or a black marker to script each student's name onto a glove. Arrange these around the bulletin board. Create a larger baseball glove cutout from gold or yellow craft paper, placing this at the top of the board and scripting directions (and prizes if desired!). Here's a look at Mr. Knepp's...
Photo Source: Lee Knepp If you desire, add other baseball paraphernalia - a baseball cutout, pennant or base cutouts with positive messages, etc. 2) The Gold Glove Club "Hall of Fame". Purchase or create four baseball cutouts, labeling each with a specific grading period, and attach these above the board with a place to hang student pictures underneath. 3) The "Home Plate of Fame". Trace and cut a home plate cutout from poster board or tag board, displaying this above the Gold Glove Club Hall of Fame to create a pyramid effect.
Photo Source: Lee Knepp
Supplies for this bulletin board...
- Green indoor/outdoor grass turf or green bulletin board paper
- Red bulletin board letters
- Sports themed trimmer or card stock in assorted colors
- Brown construction paper or baseball glove accents
- White construction paper or baseball accents
- Poster board or tag board
How do you recognize and reward positive behavior in the classroom? We'd love to hear about it! Be sure to leave us a comment below...and be sure to come back tomorrow for the wrap-up of Mr. Knepp's awesome sports themed classroom!