Baseball Themed Classroom Helper Bulletin Board Idea

In every classroom there are jobs and duties that students can complete to give you a break and also to inspire them to take ownership of the room. Mrs. Naylor has created an adorable baseball-themed classroom helper board that will help you stay organized and add a splash of color to your classroom walls! With this bulletin board, your students are sure to "pitch in" where you need them!
Baseball-Themed Helper Bulletin Board
- Background: Green bulletin board paper.
- Title: "We All Pitch In In _______________ (e.g. Kindergarten, Second Grade, etc.)".
- Border: Sports-themed bulletin board trimmer.
- Decorations: 1) The Baseball Diamond. On light brown bulletin board paper construction paper, draw a fan shape, modifying the lower corner to create a circle instead of a point. Mrs. Naylor cut a diamond out of the center of the fan to create a "grassy" infield when placed on top of the green background, but this is optional. If you should choose to cut the center out, also create a second, smaller circle to be placed in the middle of the cutout as the pitcher's mound. From white card stock or white construction paper, make home plate, the three bases, long thin strips to act as the baseline, and a small thin rectangle as an accent for the pitcher's mound. When the pieces are properly placed, glue them together and place the entire baseball field in the middle of your bulletin board. 2) The Baseball Gloves. You will need as many gloves as you have duties for your students to complete. Either purchase prefabricated glove cutouts, draw and trace your own, or use computer clip art to print and cut glove shapes onto brown construction paper. Label each glove with a different classroom job and arrange them around the baseball field on the bulletin board. 3) The Baseballs. Purchase prefabricated baseball cutouts or create your own using white card stock and a red marker (laces). Write individual student names on each baseball.
Throughout the school year, whoever has volunteered or been assigned a certain classroom job, place their baseball in the designated glove. This is a cute idea that your students are sure to love!
How do you assign student helpers? Let us know by leaving a comment!
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