Peek-A-Boo! Smell My Feet! Guess Who Is Under The Sheet?!

Halloween Interactive Bulletin Board IdeaWhile it may be too late to use the design this year, if you're looking for some inspiration for an October/Halloween interactive bulletin board, this adorable design from Kristyn Appel is just the ticket! We love how the Halloween scrapbook paper pops on the black background and aren't those footprint ghosts super cute?!

Footprint Ghost Crafts

  1. Providing students with black construction paper, a shallow dish of white paint, and a paint brush - have students create a print of their foot on the paper. Set the prints aside to dry.
  2. In the meantime, have a photo shoot with your kiddos. Invite them pose with a sign/banner of their name (or add that in later when editing the photos).
  3. Fold sheets of Halloween themed scrapbook paper in half lengthwise creating a side-open card. Cut out the dried footprint ghosts, adding them to the front flap and decorating them with special embellishments. [Kristyn added bows to the girl ghosts and top hats/wiggle eyes to the boy ghosts.] On the inside flap, glue student pictures.

When added to the board, students, parents, and staff will only see the footprint ghosts and to lift the flap to see who is hiding beneath!

Peek-A-Boo! Smell My Feet! Guess Who Is Under The Sheet?!

  • Background: Black background paper.
  • Title: "Peek-A-Boo! Smell My Feet! Guess Who Is Under The Sheet?!"
  • Border: Complimentary colored trimmer.
  • Decoration: Arrange your kiddos' ghost crafts around the bulletin board. Add pumpkin cutouts to any empty spaces. It looks like Kristyn collaged orange pumpkin cutouts with the scraps of assorted Halloween scrapbook papers, but you could purchase pumpkin accents from your local teacher store or use other crafts your kiddos have done!

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