"Our Stars in the Fight for Freedom" - Veteran's Day Bulletin Board Idea

Merline Vance, design contributor to Boards Galore, shares this awesome bulletin board idea that would be perfect for Veteran's Day! In a twist on the American flag, Merline compiled a list of veterans in the community, as well as the names of those currently serving, recognizing the stars - the men and women - who have fought to keep our country free.
[Extension: We think it would be super neat to include photographs of the servicemen and women as well and have students write letters of thanks to each one - keeping one copy of the letter to post on the board along with the picture and sending the other copy out!]
Our Stars in the Fight for Freedom
- Background: White background paper.
- Title: "Our Stars in the Fight for Freedom!"
- Border: Patriotic trimmer or complimentary solid color border.
- Decoration: The main decoration is the flag. Begin by creating the seven red stripes - measuring and cutting 7 identical strips from red background paper. Arrange these on the board, spacing them evenly in order to create the white "stripes" in-between. Cut a large royal blue rectangle mounting it at the top left-hand corner of the "flag" {from top to bottom the rectangle should line up with the top of the first red stripe and end at the bottom of the fourth red stripe}. Cut a white star for each veteran and current serviceman or woman in your community, scripting their name on the star and arrange them in the blue rectangle. If you desire, contact the family of each for a photograph and have your kiddos write letters to add to the board.
Supplies for this bulletin board
- White, blue, and red bulletin board paper
- White card stock