Oscar-Worthy Behavior - Hollywood Themed Bulletin Board
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Photo Source: thefirstgradeparade.blogspot.com
To go along with the Hollywood/red carpet theme, we found this adorable behavior management board created by Mrs. Carroll of The First Grade Parade. Expecting her kiddos to give 'Oscar-worthy' performances, Mrs. Carroll's students start out with their clothespins on the red carpet. For every infraction, students are then asked to move their pin from clapboard to clapboard - Take 1, Take 2, Take 3, then finally, CUT! Additionally, for students who go above and beyond behavioral expectations, Mrs. Carroll gives out 'Oscars'! {Obviously, there's more to the system than this, so be sure to visit The First Grade Parade for all the details!}
Oscar-Worthy Behavior
Background: White background paper.
Title: "O.S.C.A.R. - Our Students Can Act Responsibly!"
Border: Movie themed trimmer.
Decoration: We think this Lights, Camera, Action! bulletin board set correlates well with the theme and will cut down on the various elements that you have to make.
The red carpet, the Oscar award statue, and the marquee are all accounted for. Additionally, the set comes with walk-of-fame stars that could be used to create student markers {perhaps added to the clothespins?}, as well as spotlights and other fun movie-related accents to use to fill in any gaps! Unfortunately, there's only one director's clapboard so we suggest purchasing accents or creating your own by downloading a clip art image {like this one from Clker}, printing the image onto white card stock, and cutting/laminating the shapes.