"On the Road..." - Classroom Management Bulletin Board Idea

Add a bit of humor to your classroom rules and management strategy with this travel-themed display we found at Real Classroom Ideas! Not only will it remind students of the behavior that is expected (and not tolerated) in the classroom, it will give them a sense of purpose as they work toward the next step in their scholastic career and provide great color {if not lend a full theme} to your classroom decor! [NOTE: Be sure to visit the full post for some great travel/'on the road' theme ideas to use during the whole year!]
"On the Road..." Classroom Display
- Background: Cover the top half of the bulletin board with light blue background paper and the bottom half with green bulletin board paper.
- Title: "On the Road to __________ (Middle School, X Grade, etc.)".
- Border: Racing flag (black and white checked) border.
- Decoration: 1) The Landscape. Use green bulletin board paper to add some clumps of trees along the 'horizon' (where the blue paper meets the green paper). 2) The Road. Draw and cut a curvy piece of black bulletin board paper long enough to extend from the bottom of the board to the 'horizon'. Use the cutout to trace a second piece of road, mounting them on either side of the board. When attached the road cutouts should look like mirror images of each other. Use yellow paint or yellow scrap paper to create lines on the cutouts. 3) The Road Signs. Follow the link at Real Classroom Ideas to download their 'silly' road signs {i.e. "No Snoring", "No Slacking", "No Whining", etc. printing them onto white card stock and laminating them. They offer five different road signs, but you might consider creating several of your own to reflect your personal expectations and fill up the board. Cut strips of gray bulletin board paper or construction paper, gluing the signs to the 'posts', and placing them at intervals along the 'road'.
Supplies for this bulletin board...
- Blue, green, black, and gray background paper
- Bulletin board letters
- Black and white checkered border
- Yellow construction paper
- Card stock
We love the creativity of this board and how students will constantly be reminded of the steps they need to take in order to succeed! Do you have any special ways of helping students break down the school year into manageable/actionable goals? Let us know about them in the comment section below!