Several weeks ago, I had the extreme privilege of visiting my childhood elementary school to check out the newest and best in classroom decorations! Despite their busy schedules - meetings and last minute preparations before school started the next day - the gracious teachers at Hartville Elementary welcomed me into their colorful and engaging world; a world in which they will spend countless hours the next 180 days, imp!acting the lives of the children in our community. I thank you all for dedicating your lives to helping our children grow, both as students and individuals. Here's to a brilliant school year, ladies and gents! {And thanks a million for allowing me the opportunity to visit your classrooms! I had a blast!}
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Photo Source: Lori Hart
Lori Hart, intervention specialist at Hartville Elementary, knows the importance of a word wall for literary development. We've seen quite a few ways of incorporating word walls into the classroom. This display is simple and clean - great attributes that compliment any learning environment - and Lori has it displayed in a prominent part of the classroom, ensuring its use.
Ocean Themed Word Wall
Background: Black bulletin board paper.
Title: None needed.
Border: Ocean themed trimmer.
Decoration:Photo Source: Lori Hart
1) The Headings. Create a card stock template of your favorite sea animal. You can freehand the shape, find a clip art image to trace, or you might even find a black and white clip art image to print directly onto colored card stock. Script all of the consonants - upper and lower case - onto a cutout. Use one of the methods above to create a second sea animal cutout. This will be used to differentiate the vowels from the rest. Arrange the cutouts, in alphabetical order, at the top of the bulletin board. 2) The Word Cards. Use sentence strips, card stock, or another lined paper to create a card for each vocabulary word. Mount them under the appropriate letter. As the words change with each unit/lesson, simply make more word cards and switch them out!