My Favorite Seuss Book
Since you'll probably be exploring lots of Seuss titles during Read Across America/your Seuss unit, here are some fun things you can do to help your preschoolers remember each selection, connect with the stories, and select their favorite!

Write a Review. After reading each new book, invite your kiddos to review the story. Use this fun printable from What the Teacher Wants or help help your kiddos create a flip book, with a page for writing a short sentence about each book, similar to the one above found at Simply Second Grade! We love this activity because it helps build reading comprehension and writing skills, and we're certain your preschoolers will enjoy having the opportunity to share their opinion!

Writing Prompt. If a review of each story seems daunting, check out this adorable writing craftivity from Teri over at A Cupcake for the Teacher. Isn't the birthday cake super cute?! The finished crafts are sure to make a great classroom display.

Favorite Book Graphing Activity. Instead of a writing activity {or in conjuction with!}, you might add a math spin. Create a graph, displaying the Seuss books you've read, and have your students vote on which is their favorite. After all the votes are in, tally the results and analyze the data - i.e. count how many votes there are in each column, determine which book has the most/least votes, etc.
Be sure to visit each of these sites for the full lesson details!