MLK Day Dream Mobiles
MLK Day is right around the corner and we've been busy trying to find some last minute {and simple!} ideas that you can use in the classroom as you and your kiddos explore the life and legacy of this important historical figure!
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The story of Dr. King offers a powerful example of how one person who stands up for what they believe in/what is right can make a difference. As you explore the life of Martin Luther King Jr this January - his ideals, his hopes, and his impact - empower your students with the knowledge that, they too, have the power to make a difference in their families, their school/community, and even the world!
Constructing a dream mobile is a great way to help your students make a meaningful connection with the holiday as well as instill this very idea! We found two variations of the dream mobile and either project would make a fabulous addition to your MLK Day lessons!
Individual Dream Mobile

Leanne over at Mrs. Prince & Co. has her kiddos create individual mobiles, writing about their dreams for their school, community, and world. If you're interested in completing this project, she offers the mobile printables for FREE over at her blog, so set-up is sure to be easy peasy!
Collaborative Dream Mobile

Tara of 4th Grade Frolics invites her students to work together to create a class mobile displaying their dreams for the world. Invited to think about various topics - freedom, equality, fairness, unity, etc. - students wrote about what these dreams might look like and their hopes for the world!
Here's a picture of the completed mobile...

Of course, these projects were initially used with second and fourth grade students, so keep this in mind when tweaking the activity for your preschoolers!