Winter Kids Craft - Paper Roll Snowmen

Winter and Christmas Craft for Kids
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This paper roll snowman craft from Jamie over at JT Photography Blogsite is super cute and perfect for the holiday season - whether you have snow or not! Not only is the craft festive, it also offers a fun opportunity to show your kiddos how ordinary items from around the house can be upcycled!

Craft considerations...

  • Skip the paper plate and use the paper roll snowmen as ornaments! The chenille stem ear muffs make the perfect hook.
  • {Again, skip the plate...} Cover the bottom with a piece of batting, then fill the snowman with wrapped candies as a Christmas party favor!
  • Use your kiddos' crafts to create a festive advent calendar. Tuck a piece of paper with a special prize, activity, etc. in the center of each paper roll snowman and "open" one each day leading up to Christmas break!

For the craft tutorial, be sure to visit JP Photography Blogspot!

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