"Keys to Rockin' the Test" - Test Tips Bulletin Board Idea

Exams. Standardized tests. College placement tests. Provide your students with the skills needed to be successful test takers in a fun and exciting way with this music themed design by Mary Ann Mulroe, librarian at Heritage Middle School in Illinois. We love the colors and catchy play on words!
Mary Ann's Test Taking Tips
- TUNE UP your body and brain with a good breakfast.
- NOTE the directions on the test and read them carefully.
- B# (BE SHARP!) - focus on each question carefully.
- BEAT test taking stress by stretching or breathing deeply to relax.
- KEY to success - know what tools you need and come prepared.
- SLIDE into success by reading carefully.
- DRUM up confidence with positive thinking.
Rock the Test Bulletin Board Idea
- Background: Black bulletin board paper.
- Title: "Rock the Test!"
- Border: Music themed border or complimentary colored/patterned trimmer.
- Decoration: Use word processing software to craft and print mini-posters of each test taking tip/strategy. Use construction paper in various vibrant colors to create borders and arrange the advice around the board. Add music note cutouts, musical instrument accents, or even inflatable instruments like Mary Ann did to complete the look of the board!